«No puedo diferenciar las lágrimas de la música» (Nietzsche). Quien no comprende esto instantáneamente, no ha vivido nunca en la intimidad de la música. Toda verdadera música procede del llanto, puesto que ha nacido de la nostalgia del paraíso.
lo dijo pasolosdíasconlágrimaynota a sylphides
Es muy hermoso eso que dices, pero no te olvides de la otra cara de la música: la sana alegría de los tambores, las orgiásticas danzas... y, que también, en la alegría en unión con la música hay pedazos del paraíso recobrado.
"I cannot differentiate the tears from music" (Nietzsche). Anyone does not understand this instantaneously, he has never lived in private on music. All true music comes from the weeping, since it has been born of nostalgia of the paradise.
it said pasolosdíasconlágrimaynota to sylphides Is very beautiful that you say, but you do not forget the other face of music: the healthy joy of the drums, the orgiastics dances and that also in the joy together with music are pieces of the recovered paradise.
it said pasolosdíasconlágrimaynota to sylphides Is very beautiful that you say, but you do not forget the other face of music: the healthy joy of the drums, the orgiastics dances and that also in the joy together with music are pieces of the recovered paradise.
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