viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

The mission

The Mission

The historical events represented in this story are true, and ocurred around the borderlands of Argentina, Paraguay and Brasil in the year 1750.

“Así pues, vuestra Santidad, vuestros sacerdotes están muertos y yo sigo vivo, pero en verdad soy yo el que ha muerto, y ellos son los que viven porque como ocurre siempre el espíritu de los muertos sobrevive en la memoria de los vivos.”

“The Indians of South America are still engaged in a struggle to defend their land and their culture.

Many of priests who, inspired by faith and love, continue to support the rights of the Indians for justice, do so with their lives.”

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it”
JOHN, Chapter 1, Verse 5.

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